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Pre-Made Individual Crochets

If you are looking for hair for your braiding appointment, please review our list of resources by clicking through the tabs and links below.

Bulk/Loose Crochets

Click on the following links to see our suggested places to purchase:


Dalva Ultimate Collagens hair can be found at EBONYline or Amazon


Various curls:



These can be used for goddess or boho braids or locks infusion, too.

There’s brand flexibility here. It’s about how much you want to spend, you cannot re-use human hair since it’s being braided and ends glued. At any local store, just inquire to see the bulk braiding human hair as it's typically it’s behind the counter. Alternatively, you may bring bundle hair and I cut off the weft.  Please ensure a minimum length of 22" when working with human hair.


Hesperis Grade 8A Mongolian Virgin Hair Deep Curly Bulk Hair Weaving For Braiding

Milky Way Natural Virgin Human Hair Braids Ibiza Deep Bulk 18"

Deep Curly Wave Bulk Hair For Braiding Human Hair

Human Hair Individuals
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